Living Laughing and Loving Like Littlefield's

Living Laughing and Loving Like Littlefield's

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Book Review: The Selection Series

Summary plot: A young girl named America is chosen to participate in her socialistic societies competition to become the next queen. Basically, it's the Hunger Games meets the Bachelor.

I will start by saying I read all three books in three days. This is definitely one of those "can't put it down" books. The only downside was that they ended. Here is my take on each book.

Book One: The Selection 

I loved how Kiera Cass was able to recreate all the struggles and emotions that come along with your first love. I'm not one for solely romantic novels. I usually need more drama and background story to keep me interested and this book definitely didn't disappoint.

This book kicks off immediately. No need to read for ages just to get to the good parts. Yet, just when you're about to get attached to the first romance, it's taken away all too quickly.

Now, this introduces one of the things I didn't like about the book. I realize that we are dealing teenagers here, but America is so indecisive and immature that it's hard not to get super frustrated when she makes dumb choices. This is a common theme throughout all of the books. There were so many times when I was like JUST TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL! But, she doesn't and things get dramatic.

Once she gets to the palace, I couldn't get enough of Maxon/America time. She is fierce with him and he eats it up, which I think is how a lot of women want to be.

I also loved how Kiera was able to keep you on the edge of your seat when you basically know how it's going to turn out. I mean, when you name the last book The One, you need other ways to create suspense besides "if she'll make it to the next round". (Except at the very end. You never know who he'll choose in the end.) ;)

Book Two: The Elite

I thought this book would just be a filler not a whole lot of action and I wasn't completely wrong, but it was still good. Kiera keeps putting twists and turns that bring life to the story. There are lots of unexpected events and despite you telling yourself "you know how this ends" she has a way of making you question yourself....a lot.

This book brings out women empowerment. America is a very strong, independent woman. She stands up to everyone, including the King himself. That empowerment is one reason I liked this book. I think she has an edge that was hard not to mimic once I stopped reading.

That being said, she is also impulsive, which made her seem dumb. A dumb, strong women is almost more aggravating than just a quiet woman. I was constantly thinking "that probably could have been done better" or "I would have probably been a bit more conscientious if it were me". Even so, it had a great overall message of the power of women.

This book also brings the Aspen/Maxon struggle to a forefront. I loved this part of the story because it is so relatable. Most, if not all, the girls I know have had at least a tiny battle in their heads about their last and current love. Not to mention the hard-to-forget feelings of your first love. The whole time she was explaining her feelings between the two I couldn't help but feel like YES! I know exactly how that is.

Book Three: The One

This book went by REALLY fast but in a good way. I was biting my nails the entire time! I really liked the unsurety she created between her and Maxon's relationship. Despite their issues, you keep reminding yourself "they have to end up together", which makes the relationship seem all the more real. How many times have we had the same situation? Relationship issues that leave us just praying but we have to end up together!

The books weren't flawless, but I would definitely rank them in my top 10. If you love to read, then these are a must! On top of that, they're going to become a movie so now is probably a good time to read them!

The Littlefields

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chelsea's Baseball Baby Shower

A baby born to the Child's is bound to play baseball! Which is why I decided that was the perfect theme for Chelsea's future baby!

From the banners to the food, we made everything baseball! 

For the games, we played the yarn game, don't say baby, candy bar game, charades, and family feud. 

We served franks in a baby blanket, home-made cracker jacks, chocolate dipped strawberries, oreo balls, veggie's, and grape juice. 

We had a good turn out and Chelsea got some perfect gifts for her baby! 

 We love you Chels! And you will make the best Mom ever!

The Littlefield's

What I Will Give to Be Someone's Mommy

My first stretch mark was when I was a lot younger and came from growing (I assume). By now, those marks have faded and you can barely see them. UNTIL TODAY! In that same area (my sides) my dear skin has started to stretch again. They are still faint marks, but you can see the strain on my skin from my recent "baby bump" growing. Not too bad so far, but I still have three months of growing and I can only imagine how much they will grow by the time the baby comes.

I can already hear my Mom joining the millions of other mothers saying "The babies are worth it!" and I know they are. I know that I will never regret these nine months of changes to bring my new best friend into the world. And I will still love myself and my body even with the new tiger stripes that I will develop. HOWEVER, stretch marks still suck!

I have been using Palmers Stretch Mark Cream for the past two months after I get out of the shower. It worked for my cousin, but apparently no body is the same. Despite my efforts, those pesky marks are still forming.

So, even though I have beat the nausea, fatigue, and food aversions it turns out my pregnancy still has some curve balls left for me.

I can't help but think these small lines represent more than just my changing outward appearance. They represent all of the changes and sacrifices that are bound to come as I enter motherhood. I know, I still have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't know how many hours I will lose calming a crying child or what it feels like to go days without sleep. I don't know what it's like to see your child come home frustrated with bully problems and feel so helpless.

But I can't help but get excited! To know that God has allowed a young girl like me the responsibility to nurture one of His most precious spirits is an honor. And I am willing to give my body, my time, and my entire heart to her. I know all the sacrifices are worth it!

The Littlefields

Monday, July 13, 2015

We're Having A...

We went in for our 20 week ultrasound on July 8th. Our little baby is doing great! Everything is measuring just where it should. I, like most people I imagine, can't tell the difference between ultrasound pictures. I'm sure my baby looks just like the next ladies baby, but still :) Here are the pics

The arm

The leg

The head
 Now, without further ado! We're having a...

I couldn't be more excited! I love all things pink. I love dress and dancing. I love silly sleepovers and playing house. Turns out that my very best friend is on her way!!!

The Littlefields

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

4 Months and Counting

I always love a good pregnancy update from others so here is my four month update. As of right now, I have gotten over most of my morning sickness. Not by my own efforts, but because of a heavenly combination of vitamin B6 and Unison right before bed. Not only do I sleep like a baby ;), but I also don't have morning sickness for most of the day. I still get a little queezy right before bed, but I'll take what I can get.

My stomach has definitely grown. Unfortunately, compared with other pregnant friends I feel like I look more like I'm 20 weeks rather than 16, but the bump is more fun for me and Dallin! He'll say hi to the baby and he swore last night he could feel the babies heart beat from his side of the bed. Haha I can't wait to see him hold his son or daughter for the first time! 

I really like grapefruit right now and snow cones! I weigh 158 lbs, which is still five pounds lighter then when I was first pregnant. My doctor doesn't seem too worried though. We find out the gender July 8th on Uncle Adam's birthday!

The Littlefields

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My 3 Month Update

I wanted to keep a record of my pregnancy symptoms and my thoughts throughout this journey. Today is my 12 week mark. Basically, 3 months of making a baby. Some of my symptoms include:


Unfortunately, most mornings I feel super sick to my stomach and on the verge of losing it. Eating helps, but even then I often feel a lingering threat of nausea.


It happened yesterday. I went from my normal stomach to HUGE fat glob on my belly. I woke up and felt super gross and I looked down and my stomach looked how I felt. I feel like I grew the entire baby in one night but THIS IS NOT A BABY BUMP! This is don't push on my stomach or move too quickly gas bubble.

Food Aversions

Smells. Good smells. Bad smells. Any strong smell that reminds me of food or a time when I had nausea makes me even more sick to my stomach. This symptom may be my worst enemy because I feel like it's all in my head. I feel like I'm being a baby and I'm making the whole thing up. Smells also make it really hard to eat. Nothing smells or sounds good.


Many people talk about cravings as a pregnancy symptom, but I think that "craving" isn't the right word. Rather than a craving, you want to eat certain foods because you simply can't stand to eat anything else. Everything sounds gross, but you can manage to stomach at least one food at a time.


Poor Dallin. I wake up go to work, come home sleep. Occasionally, I'll clean the kitchen or make dinner, but mostly I'm just a zombie walking around. The best way to beat fatigue is to pretend it's not there. If I get up and move, I forget I'm tired. If I were to sleep as often as I wanted, I would never get out of bed.

Now, this may seem like a rant on how crappy pregnancy is...and to be honest it's definitely not been a walk in the park. However, the excitement about growing a human inside me and having a little baby of our own by Christmas is pushing me through all the hard parts. I can't wait to be a Mom!! I can't wait to have someone look at me the way that I've seen so many other babies look at their Mom's. They know from a very young age who their Mother is, and I can't wait to be that for some one.

So, bring on the food aversions and fatigue because I'm making this baby whether my body likes it or not!

The Littlefields

P.S. I just found this awesome article on morning sickness. The funny part is, I figured out almost every single one of these on my own! #terribletiming

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

We're Expecting!

I knew something was wrong the day I stopped loving food. Ever since I was a little girl, I would eat extra helpings if something tasted good enough. However, that all changed the day I became pregnant.

We decided to take the test a week after I had missed my period. I couldn't wait any longer I was so excited! So, we took the test during my lunch break. Dallin picked me up and I went straight to the bathroom as soon as I got home. Before I was finished using the restroom, Dallin had already looked at the results and had a wry smile across his face. He wouldn't just come out and say it. He made me decipher the instruction manual. 

Once we both knew, we couldn't believe it. Something was probably wrong. Maybe I didn't use it right. Could we get a false positive? I took another test the next morning and sure enough, another blue plus sign! 

I called my Mom in tears. I couldn't be more excited! 

We're pregnant!!!

The Littlefields

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Reasons Why I Don't Quit My Job and Become a World Traveler

I often get carried away in thoughts about how simple life would be if I packed up, quit my job, and became a world traveler. I could be a scuba instructor off the shores of mexico or explore the amazon in Brazil. I wouldn't have to worry about being social or stressing about being on time to anything. Life would be simple.

It's at times like these, that I need to remind myself why becoming a world traveler is not in my best interest. 

1. I want a family. There is one vision better then me sitting on the beach every day. It includes four kids who call me mom and gather around the table for a warm home cooked meal. The comfort and unity that comes from home are irreplaceable. 

2. I need to build my future. I, like many of you, have read quote after quote about how we should use our money to experience life. I agree to a certain extent. If I want to live in a comfortable house, I have to save a portion of my income. On the other hand, if I were to become a world traveler, it would take me twice as long to save that money. 

3. I want to stay close to my relatives. I'm a homebody. After six months in Mexico, I would want to come back to Grantsville. I would want to snuggle my cute nephew and wrap my arms around my Dad. In the end, life wouldn't be worth it without having people around me that I love. 

That's it. I only have THREE reasons why I don't become a world traveler. Not very many. Maybe this means I will do it...some day.

The Littlefields

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's the Little Things

There are times, in almost every marriage, when you feel tired. Tired of trying. Tired of the same routine. Tired of being tired. It's not that you're unhappy. You're just tired. And these times often end in a teary, un-comprehensible discussions that seems to have no point. Luckily, my sweet husband took my "tired talk" and turned it into one of the sweetest moments in our marriage.

 After a long, teary conversation we went to bed. The next morning I went to work. As with every other day my "tired" routine continued. Now, I understand that as a couple without children, it may seem that we have plenty of time on our hands. How could I be tired when other women are taking care of 10 children, a dog, a house, and paying the bills on time? I can see how my day compared to that incredible woman would pale in comparison, but here me out. Even when you do have time, doing the same routine week in and week can wear on you. Whether you're doing two loads of laundry or five, at some point you get tired of doing laundry.

 At the moment that you want to lie down and never get back up again, you thank heaven when someone comes and puts out their hand to help.

On my way home from work, I was thinking about what I would make for dinner, what part of the apartment I would need to clean, and what I needed to do to prepare for the next day. Dallin seemed indifferent to my usual business conversation. I just need to get home and start to work then I can forget all my problems. It's the times when I'm sitting with nothing to do that cause me to stress. We pull up to the house, and I get out and go downstairs.

Then, I see this...

Dallin had made a HUGE fort throughout our entire apartment and streamed Christmas lights through the tunnels. He had made a trail of pink hand-cut hearts along the path. He had flowers and at the end of the tunnel was a new chick flick and a TV all set up to watch. We ate dinner and I felt completely at ease. I felt dumb for crying, but I was overwhelmed and relieved. This little gesture, seemed to take away all of my worries. It's the little things that make a huge difference in marriage.

The Littlefields