t turned out great! I've got a lot of work to do but it's fun and I love my new job!
Also, Chelsea my very best friend is staying with me.
I feel kinda bad because she got here late and then
I had to wake up crazy early and by the time I get back she'll be gone so basically she's just sleeping in my house, but tonight we are going to play which I am stoked about!
I have started writing my application essay for applying for the Communications major.

give me suggestions! Oh lots and lots has been going on with school starting.

And because I am a big girl and can take care of myself.
I paid tuition and books and have $900 left over.
Which I must say is pretty good total I probably earned around $3,000 over the summer....but I don't think it's going to cut it.
I've been praying for help from Heavenly Father. I might have to pick up a second job...I haven't decided yet.
Anyways, I can save money on my new eating plan haha I decided to mainly consist my meals of oatmeal for breakfast and rice and beans for lunch and dinner and as much fruit and veggies as I want!

Yesterday I spent $30 for 2 weeks when usually I would spend $60. So that's a HUGE cut! Plus it's more healthy so it's a good thing all around! It will also be nice because I am not getting paid as much at my new job so things might have to be really tight for awhile.
Maybe no school clothes after all :/ but it will be worth not having to take out a loan if I can help it! If I did my math right I'll be like $500 short...boo. Unless I work something else out which with the Lord it will work out.
So I have been reading my scriptures lately which use to be a habit but slowly has gotten out of it. I get really tired reading the scriptures out of a book but surprisingly it's not like that when I read it from my iTouch! Kim is going wedding dress shopping Saturday!
Woohoo and these are the pictures from my royalty photo shoot thing.

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