Mom: Whew, just thinking of how much my Mother means to me makes me want to cry...which is ironic because she is where I get my crying gene from! I almost feel like her "mini-me" because we are so alike! I have her body type, her eyes, her smile, her nose, her eyebrows, her ears, her laugh, her inherited mother like nature and the list can go on and on! She is one of my very very best friends! I don't know why but whenever I am with her I am happy! She is always on my side, which is all I need to get through something really difficult most of the time . She is the best cheerleader. It's not everyday you have a best friend as a Mom. There are some differences in us and those are the things that I want to grow most in! I have NEVER met a woman with more charity and sacrificial love then my mother. She is constantly looking for ways to serve and making sure everyone around her feels welcome and at home. I have never ever seen her pass up someone who needed help. Even as us kids were growing up we never remember her yelling, which just shows her amazing ability of patience. I can't think of any quality this woman could improvement in. I honestly pray to be as righteous as she is one day. She is my angel on earth. I know God sent her to be my Mom, and boy am I lucky because she is the best mom in the world! People say that all the time, but they don't know what it's like to have my Mom, and if they did, they would realize that I, Goo, am the luckiest! My mother is heaven blessed and I hope throughout my life she will realize how grateful I am for her.

Dad: I remember when I was little I wanted to impress my Father so bad . I would be so hurt when I knew that I disappointed him. This has been a struggle with my Dad my whole life. When I take a step back and look at what he has done for me, I could laugh at the thought of feeling like I had something to prove because my Dad has always supported me in my righteous decisions. He tries so hard to protect me. He would do anything for me. Sometimes we don't always speak the same language, but the foundation of love never fails. I remember a kid threw a football at my head and I thought my Dad was going to kill the kid. When Kim and I were having problems in show choir my Dad went in and talked with our teacher to make sure we weren't getting treated unfairly. His goal and ambition in life is to protect and provide for his family. This comes with secret sacrifices. He has built his family and career on sacrifice. As I get older I am beginning to see this more and more. Both him and my mom have made huge sacrifices for us kids and we are very well off now because of it. All of his daughters have chosen great husbands, because of the example of our Father. I know that the reason I have confidence, and ambition in life is greatly credited to this man. I noticed as I made the jump from his little girl to a Mrs. that all he has ever wanted to do was make sure I was happy. Now that it's someone else's responsibility I can see how much that hurts him to let that responsibility go. How could anyone make me as happy as he does? Luckily, I know Dallin will, but never in the same way my Dad did and does. I know he loves me and that him and my mom will be there to catch me when I fall. I love them. :)
Adam: We're just going to go right down the family line to my biggest brother. Since I was a little girl I have always wanted to be as good as Adam. And lucky for me he has never failed to keep me trying harder to keep up with him. Haha because he is 6 years older than I am we hadn't really bonded too much until I moved to Provo. Now more then ever he has taken on the big brother role and helped me figure things out. I watch him more than he realizes. I have seen him struggle through his life challenges and in all things he has remained loyal and true to the gospel. He always encourages me to be my best. I love the friendship we have created and I know it is eternal. I just hope he gets married soon and makes cute little nephews and nieces for me to play with!

Chelsea: Oh boy! Chelsea Dalton Childs, what to say about MY BESTEST FRIEND EVER! Well, besides that she is basically a model, absolutely gorgeous inside and out. There are about...a million times in our friendship that Chelsea has saved my butt. Either I was having a hard day and she would randomly leave a note on my bed or she would give me the best advice ever. I don't feel adequate most of the time because I feel like she is so awesome! I can't wait for her life because I know she will accomplish amazing things. I hope our kids get married! Not kidding. She has a good attitude, is a good example and is straight up bomb! Without knowing she has strengthened my testimony in times where giving up seemed like the best option. She is so sweet and sincere and so willing to give to others. I remember when we went to the resivour one time, and I we found our swimming short from the year before. We were both so excited haha it was crazy we found them! Then I lost the keys to the four wheeler, instead of getting upset, she helped me look. After quite awhile of searching, we found them. Then on our way to the four wheeler, I realized I lost my phone. Haha yep, cool of me. But she just helped me find that too! Also, I remember when we went to Moab with the Littlefield's her and Dallin started running down the Canyon in the rain. Eventually I caught up to them after trailing behind for awhile. And we all realized we were lost. So, we started in one direction....then it didn't seem right and we started in the other direction....I stopped and had us say a prayer and we found the path shortly after. She said "Goo, I am so glad to have you in tough situations because you always keep calm and know what to do". It made me feel so good and I was glad to have her in those kind of situations too. We make a good team and she is always up for doing the crazy random ideas. She is always by my side asking "what now!?" haha I love her and I am so grateful for the best friend she is to me.
In conclusion, I am super blessed. I have some incredible people looking out for me and I feel each one of them was God given. I hope the happiest life possible to each of these people because they deserve it!
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