Holy camolee! That was the scariest thing ever! I wish I could have listened to myself. Okay well today at 7:30am I did the news for Classical 89 Radio. It turned out pretty good. So far I guess I need to relax, put more diction and emotion into the stories, and realize I am actually talking to someone. My mind was racing so fast for the 3 minutes I was on but i
t turned out great! I've got a lot of work to do but it's fun and I love my new job!
Also, Chelsea my very best friend is staying with me.
I feel kinda bad because she got here late and then
I had to wake up crazy early and by the time I get back she'll be gone so basically she's just sleeping in my house, but tonight we are going to play which I am stoked about!
I have started writing my application essay for applying for the Communications major.

Whew it is way hard to write these days. The summer has definitely taken it's toll on me! I can't get 300 words out to save my life! I'll get there eventually and then I'll have Natalie Tripp (who just graduated from the major) look it over and
give me suggestions! Oh lots and lots has been going on with school starting.

I went to the mall yesterday with Kirsten and I couldn't find anything I liked....well that I liked enough for me to pay for it! haha I'm not asking my parents for any money for school clothes because of Kim's wedding.
And because I am a big girl and can take care of myself.
I paid tuition and books and have $900 left over.
Which I must say is pretty good total I probably earned around $3,000 over the summer....but I don't think it's going to cut it.
I've been praying for help from Heavenly Father. I might have to pick up a second job...I haven't decided yet.
Anyways, I can save money on my new eating plan haha I decided to mainly consist my meals of oatmeal for breakfast and rice and beans for lunch and dinner and as much fruit and veggies as I want!

Yesterday I spent $30 for 2 weeks when usually I would spend $60. So that's a HUGE cut! Plus it's more healthy so it's a good thing all around! It will also be nice because I am not getting paid as much at my new job so things might have to be really tight for awhile.
Maybe no school clothes after all :/ but it will be worth not having to take out a loan if I can help it! If I did my math right I'll be like $500 short...boo. Unless I work something else out which with the Lord it will work out.
So I have been reading my scriptures lately which use to be a habit but slowly has gotten out of it. I get really tired reading the scriptures out of a book but surprisingly it's not like that when I read it from my iTouch! Kim is going wedding dress shopping Saturday!
Woohoo and these are the pictures from my royalty photo shoot thing.