I wanted to write Dallin a letter but I don't think I should write him two so I will put it to good use and put it on here :)
I am sorry you had a rough week…actually I am sorry every week seems to have some really hard lows, but I hope you know I am very proud of you. I am so happy you always keep trying, that is something I just love about you. You never give up and even more than just enduring you continue to want to grow and ask for more hard times because you understand what they do for you. You are really smart and I know God is so pleased with the work you are performing out there. Keep it up!
So about this companion ha by the time you get this he will basically be gone so I don’t really have much to say. But, I am glad you had a hard companion that way “if we get married’’ and heaven forbid I ever get on your nerves I’ll just refer to this companion and you will worship me like a God! Haha seriously I am sure some day you will look back and laugh and appreciate the time you had with him. I talked to my mom about it and she nailed it right on the head acutally. She said “Usually when someone is hard and cold like that it is because they have gone through something really challenging, and it’s really important to love them because they are the ones that need your love the most.” So maybe these last couple days with him you can just love the crap out of him! You are really good at serving and loving so you probably already do things but really go above and beyond.
Um…so I still don’t know what you like to hear about….I am doing fine woohoo it’s my birthday! I am no longer a mere teenager! Haha I didn’t feel like one before anyways but I guess now my age is catching up to me! For my birthday I got new boots and tires and my parents are helping me with tuition…yay for growing up! My mom and I are going to festival of tree’s as usual and then probably dinner. So…I might take off next semester and just work then go to school in the summer at BYU Hawaii (if I get accepted of course). It’s actually kind of stressing me out what to do…I don’t want to take time off because of money because once I graduate I will be making a LOT more than right now and I can pay it off quicker then…unless I get married and I have to be someone’s sugar momma ;) anyways…I have been praying pretty hard about what to do. So from here I’ll go with the flow and follow my gut. God will let me know what to do I am very confident. Another thing I have been thinking about lately is going on a mission. I still have a year but really only 9 months and I’ll start preparing now no matter what. You never can learn to much about the gospel right! Haha to be honest the only reason I wouldn’t is because of you…and if the spirit told me not to. But I will also just go with the flow and make the decision when it is closer. I was hoping actually once you got on your mission you would change your mind about not waiting for me and say I had to go because it’s so fun haha I don’t think you’d say it’s fun now though. I have noticed my thinking is expanding on the possibilities of what I can do! I want to travel really bad. Like go on a study abroad or go to school at Hawaii or a mission. It’s different now that I don’t have someone tying me back and I feel as long as I keep moving around the less chance I have of getting tied down again because I want to be here when you get back!
For thanksgiving I went to Blanding. We went and saw Indian ruins it was fun. Ugh I could write to you all day but I want a response so I better get off so you can wish me happy birthday and tell me how much you love me haha Keep up the good work! I really do love you and I am really proud of how hard you are working! Tell Elder Nembaware hi and bye for me :)
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Rules are for Fools!
Ugh, Dallin wants to obey the rules, thank heavens! I wouldn't like him any other way! But now we can't email every Monday. It takes 18 days through pouch to get a letter and right now I am frusterated anyway because along with saying he can't email, he also said "It doesn't make a difference to me, but she might have a hard time with it"....what is that suppose to mean! I look forward to our emails but apparently it doesn't make a difference to him, so I have some repenting to do...
Friday, August 26, 2011
He's Not the Leaving Kind
Welp my bestest friend in the whole world left for Africa no big deal :) I got to the airport almost an hour before the Littlefields which wasn't a big deal I was able to see a lot of the guys Dallin would be serving with! They all looked really sincere and nice, just like Dallin. We got all of his stuff checked in and then took some pictures. We went upstairs to security and said our good-bye's. No one was crying until his dad saw him hug his mom for the last time and he lost it. Then his mom saw his dad crying and she lost it. Dallin got his crying face on but held tough. I could tell he wanted to cry though. It was interesting to see how he handle all of it. I am so glad I was able to go to the airport with them! He definitely isn't the leaving kind. It was hard for him, but I couldn't help but be so excited for him. What an adventure! I cried before and after but I wanted to leave him smiling, and despite my stubborn effort to not break the missionary rule, we gave a last hug, thank heavens. I hope I never forget what Dallin hugs are like :) basically there the best! So we waited till he got all the way through security and I went home. Yesterday felt like the longest day of my life. Everything I saw reminded me of Dallin but it was also interesting because there was a new spirit with me. One of comfort and strength. The Lord is helping me no doubt. After work and everything was over I went to the temple with my old roommates Vanessa and Paige. That was also a big blessing. I felt the spirit strongly that the Lord is taking care of him. I feel so blessed. I kind of see it all like when an old person get's so old they can't live anymore. When they pass you can't help but feel happy because you know it's there time. I know it was Dallin's time to go. We both have been waiting for this ever since we started dating and if feels good to be on the count down now, even if it is 24 months.
And an update! Dallin called his mom today around 12 to let them know he got there safe! He has an African companion and everyone in his room is African. He sounded tired and said everything is really different there. It will be really hard for him, but Dallin is pretty tough. He can do it and what doesn't kill him will only make him stronger. He is going to grow so much and I can't wait to get my first letter from him! I think I will send one to him first though, he probably doesn't have my address. I don't know when I will send it. I want to bide my time so I don't get too attached to writing letters. I want to live my life still.
I have noticed a weight sort of lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I have been waiting for this for a long time and in a way it has held me back in progressing. I look forward to this school year and working hard on myself and serving others. Every time I do something good I feel more power being recovered to me. When I read my scriptures and go to the temple I feel stronger and closer to Dallin. It is a really nice way to feel like I am doing my part with him being gone. Welp I think that's enough ha
Thursday, August 18, 2011
1st Radio Broadcast by Jessica Black!

t turned out great! I've got a lot of work to do but it's fun and I love my new job!
Also, Chelsea my very best friend is staying with me.
I feel kinda bad because she got here late and then
I had to wake up crazy early and by the time I get back she'll be gone so basically she's just sleeping in my house, but tonight we are going to play which I am stoked about!
I have started writing my application essay for applying for the Communications major.

give me suggestions! Oh lots and lots has been going on with school starting.

And because I am a big girl and can take care of myself.
I paid tuition and books and have $900 left over.
Which I must say is pretty good total I probably earned around $3,000 over the summer....but I don't think it's going to cut it.
I've been praying for help from Heavenly Father. I might have to pick up a second job...I haven't decided yet.
Anyways, I can save money on my new eating plan haha I decided to mainly consist my meals of oatmeal for breakfast and rice and beans for lunch and dinner and as much fruit and veggies as I want!

Yesterday I spent $30 for 2 weeks when usually I would spend $60. So that's a HUGE cut! Plus it's more healthy so it's a good thing all around! It will also be nice because I am not getting paid as much at my new job so things might have to be really tight for awhile.
Maybe no school clothes after all :/ but it will be worth not having to take out a loan if I can help it! If I did my math right I'll be like $500 short...boo. Unless I work something else out which with the Lord it will work out.
So I have been reading my scriptures lately which use to be a habit but slowly has gotten out of it. I get really tired reading the scriptures out of a book but surprisingly it's not like that when I read it from my iTouch! Kim is going wedding dress shopping Saturday!
Woohoo and these are the pictures from my royalty photo shoot thing.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
I Have Wedding's Coming Out My Ears!
I don't feel bad at all for planning my wedding now. I kid you not, there are more weddings lately than socks in my drawers. I actually love weddings, except when I know Dallin is leaving and won't be able to remind me how cool ours would be...anyways, so the biggest one lately is Kim getting engaged to Jesse Barton yesterday, Aug. 1st. He took on a scavenger hunt that ended at the temple with him and a ring. At first I was super against those two. haha I always am against Kim's choices but I already feel like Jesse is growing on me. I still don't like that his name. It's like a nic name for Jessica. I was thinking of going by Jessie for short at college but I can't now. That's not really a big deal though. So, anyways um...yeah she is having a rustic country wildflower theme. I love the idea and I can't wait to help her get started! I could seriously go to a wedding every weekend for the rest of the summer. Speaking of summer, it's almost over! I am kind of stressed with school starting. I haven't had anything big to worry about for a long time and now I'm freaking out! I have all my classes chosen. The only problem now is figuring out my work schedule. I am going to work at the electric shop and the classic 89 radio on campus. It will be perfect as soon as I can figure out my schedule. They want me 20 hours a week...which I could do if I quit at the electric shop...I would just feel really bad leaving. I feel like the electric shop is my home because I have worked here for a year and everyone treats me like family. He is going to call me back this week. I might have to take night classes. Ick. But I'm sure hard work will pay off :) I am taking Stats, Physical Science, Living Prophets, Comms 239, Contemporary Dance, and D&C. I might just have to quit at the electric shop....they pay so much better also...so it's a hard decision. I will pray about it. Um....so Dallin's misison is like 23 days away....no big deal right.....ugh. I'm going to miss him so much! He's been my other half for a long time now. I feel like when I need someone to talk some sense into me I talk to him. Now I'm going to be senseless! And I have tried talking to other boys but Dallin is SO unique! They always end up talking about themselves about a problem like their mom or something. I like how me and Dallin talk about general ways of life. About how people are and why they react to things. It's just so much more fulfilling than with others. So, I have a lot to look forward to, until then I can manage. It will be a really good opportunity to work on myself. I know he will come home so much more intelligent and strong and I want to keep up and/or even exceed his expectations (which are probably just being me with a strong testimony but I'll have a six pack and a testimony and a mean dinner menu!) haha I am excited for that time of my life and it is so fun to think about but I need to live in the moment now!...Gol...and this is what weddings do to me!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Looking Forward: Don't push the river, it flows by itself
I had some time at work today, nothing new, so I decided to see when all my guy friends were getting home from their missions: Issac (August 3), Alex (September 21), Ben (October), Jake (February 22), Cody (January 13), Benji (March 17), Austin (March 10), Ben Graff (May 4), Bitters (July 7), Rylee (September 8), Dallin (August 25, 2013) :). That's when they left at least. Then I was looking around at facebook and saw one of Adam's friends from High School. She has like 4 kids now! This made me think, and I feel like I'm just rushing through life. I always talk about "when I'm married" or "once Dallin is home". It is such a waste of time. I have always held the attitude "when this happens, I'll be happy." Bull crap. Ha that's not how it works and I'm just realizing it now. I had a flash forward, if you will, to when Dallin gets home. And I'll be excited, but I don't have to think about it until it gets here. Wishing sooner is only making me unhappy now. I'm in college for 4 years of my entire life and I want to enjoy it...I'm not sure how haha but I want to live up this time in my life! I am so sick of waiting for things to happen instead of loving what's happening now! I have always planned, and looked to the future but rarely do I live in the present. So, that's my new goal. Because I am already going nuts thinking about Dallin being gone and it doesn't have to be like that at all. I think about how fast the guys from high school got back from their missions. They all have been out a year at least and I am impressed with how fast the time has gone. I feel like it has been a long time but it went faster than I expected haha despite my own belief Dallin will get home from a mission eventually. I will get married sometime, but until then I don't want to plan or think about it too much.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
At work I was thinking and.....

and pillows everywhere! I would have a golf range in my backyard and it would be well shaded. I would have a dog living with me. And a jet so I could go home whenever I wanted...actually I would make a portal thing that takes me to the states in like 5 seconds. 

Okay so that's my island, we'll call it Daloo of course.

Once Dallin gets off his mission
he can come stay there if he wants. Um okay so then with the other monies I would send a ton to 3rd world countries and build everyone there modest houses.

That will make a lot of jobs and their economies would explode with success!
Then I would buy all my friends and families houses of their choice and cars. Then I would help anyone with their tuition and BYU if they do a years work of humanitarian services. Then I would build houses for the homeless but in order to live in these houses they have to get a job working for my company or another one, they just need a job so they can provide for themselves. There would be these houses in every city in every state. My company would be....farming good natural healthy foods. So, then I would also pay for every missionary to serve a mission, if they need it. I would pay for their living quarters in each mission and let them use any money they want to help the people the are serving (all the people they are serving already have homes though). Welp, I can't think of anything else I would do with the money...oh I know! I would go...no I would have someone else go to all the brothels in the world and all the woman trafficking places and release all the women with ways to provide for themselves (job and house) and put all those icky men on the farm doing work for me. Also, I would go on the internet and erase all the porn on there. Just to extinguish one fire. Um....and that's all. Then I would go to my island and play with my dog and wait for Dallin to get back :)" ...so yeah, that's what I was thinking about during work!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Girl Who Lived...
Welp, I had such a fun day yesterday! Work was just work, but after work I went into Southtowne Mall and met my mom. We had dinner together at Olive Garden (our favorite!) and then I got my outfit and crown for my photoshoot on Wednesday (this was the original reason I went down). It was nice just having a mom/daughter dinner. We talked a lot about Adam getting married. Haha I was going to pay but she offered and I am trying really hard to save money; after I decided I should've paid. I'll learn from it for next time. So, on my way home I stopped by Macey's for gel and milk. When I was getting out of my car I shut the door hard next to my leg and it cut me pretty good.

So I had a gash in my leg when Dallin came over. Obviously later that night I fixed it up with those band aids. You can't tell but I had to use the white ones to pull the skin together because it was opened up a lot more then what you see. At first though I was just going to leave it, but Dallin thought it needed something so we went to Smith's to look. We didn't find anything, but we played around and it was fun! I was feeling super hyper for some reason so I would start to dance in the isle and he would join. That kind of love is the best! Where you forget the world around you and just play with your best friend. :)We're just a couple of nerds! After that we decided randomly to go to Harry Potter 7 Part 2. Lucky for us there was a showing right when we got there and there were plenty of open spots! We sat down in the perfect seats! Right in the middle of everything. Then some super annoying teenagers sat right behind us. Right when they got there they started talking super loud and annoying. From past experience I knew we should move before it was obvious we were moving because of them. We moved to the back of the Movie Theater. Ha we both realized it probably looked like we just wanted a place to make out, but whatever we didn't have to hear those kids...most of the time. When it started getting serious those kids started laughing way loud. I thought Dallin was going to go punch this one bigger girl. Mm yep that's my biggest pet peeve, loud people in a movie theater! Grr...anyways so we were able to cuddle and stretch out because there weren't that many people there! It was nice :) I hope I will always remember what it was like to cuddle with him. On the way home we were looking at my open wound :) and Dallin said "it's probably going to leave a scar". "I don't really mind scars, they remind me of good times :) so I hope this gash scars so I can remember it was the day I went to see the last harry potter with Dallin!" Then he said "The Girl Who Lived" haha I love him :)

So I had a gash in my leg when Dallin came over. Obviously later that night I fixed it up with those band aids. You can't tell but I had to use the white ones to pull the skin together because it was opened up a lot more then what you see. At first though I was just going to leave it, but Dallin thought it needed something so we went to Smith's to look. We didn't find anything, but we played around and it was fun! I was feeling super hyper for some reason so I would start to dance in the isle and he would join. That kind of love is the best! Where you forget the world around you and just play with your best friend. :)We're just a couple of nerds! After that we decided randomly to go to Harry Potter 7 Part 2. Lucky for us there was a showing right when we got there and there were plenty of open spots! We sat down in the perfect seats! Right in the middle of everything. Then some super annoying teenagers sat right behind us. Right when they got there they started talking super loud and annoying. From past experience I knew we should move before it was obvious we were moving because of them. We moved to the back of the Movie Theater. Ha we both realized it probably looked like we just wanted a place to make out, but whatever we didn't have to hear those kids...most of the time. When it started getting serious those kids started laughing way loud. I thought Dallin was going to go punch this one bigger girl. Mm yep that's my biggest pet peeve, loud people in a movie theater! Grr...anyways so we were able to cuddle and stretch out because there weren't that many people there! It was nice :) I hope I will always remember what it was like to cuddle with him. On the way home we were looking at my open wound :) and Dallin said "it's probably going to leave a scar". "I don't really mind scars, they remind me of good times :) so I hope this gash scars so I can remember it was the day I went to see the last harry potter with Dallin!" Then he said "The Girl Who Lived" haha I love him :)
Friday, July 15, 2011
I am so excited to get started on blogging. I haven't ever done it so maybe someday I will be able to make it cool. I don't know why I started one. I have a lot a lot of time at work and needed something to do and this is like a journal. So, to catch you up to this moment in time (then other posts can be in more description). Um, I am just about to start my sophomore year at Brigham Young University. I am dating Dallin Chad Littlefield (the funniest/sexiest man alive)! He leaves on his mission to Ghana, Accra on August 25th we have been dating since...February 16, 2008 :) since then it's been on and off but I am completely in love with him. I am super scared to be single once he leaves so I am keeping up on flirting with Donovan from work. Haha pretty sure we're just playing :) so I am going to study Communications with an emphasis in Broadcast Journalism. I am applying in the fall and have no idea what I am doing but we'll play it by ear. My brother Adam is not married, he is 26 and dating a girl named Amy. We all love her and are waiting for Adam to get over his issues and ask her already! Pablo and Steph are going to graduate from Idaho in a week and then move to Virginia for good :( but I will go visit them all the time...maybe? haha Kim wrote off Johnston (her missionary) for Jesse Barton. They sound pretty serious and I will support them if they choose to get married....but I would like her to marry a returned missionary honestly. As for my parents, mom is relief society president and working as a secretary at the seminary and institute and happy as far as I know. My dad is just working and trying to get involved in his kids life in whatever way he can. I love my family and life. I stress about money mostly...but it'll all work out somehow amazingly it always does.
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