So, it's no secret that I hate cooking. It takes too long and the list of ingredients I know could be compared to a kindergartner; however, I know a good recipe when I see one. I've found two so far. Don't laugh. I'm only 3 months into this cooking thing. These are the perfect amount for two (and left-overs) and SUPER cheap! Here are my two favorites.
Aunt Haley's Recipe
1 c. Chili
1 c. Tomato soup
1 pkg. Noodles (any kind but I like the twisty ones)
1 c. Cheese
Mix everything together and sprinkle with cheese. Cook in oven at 375 for 20 minutes. DONE!
Tater-tot Casserole
2 c. Cream of chicken soup
12 oz. Sour cream
1 pkg. Tater-tots
1/2 lb Ground beef
Mix cream of chicken soup and sour cream. Lay tater-tots on the bottom of the pan, then sprinkle the meat over that. Then add the soup. Cook at 350 for 45 minutes.
Enjoy! These seriously are the best :)
The Littlefields
Friday, May 9, 2014
Moving On to More
Well first of all I have to give a big thank you to BYU Radio for the last 3 years. It's been so much fun and I've learned more there than school it feels like. Here is my amazing team! We got along like siblings :)
Now, moving on to my new job....well I have nothing to say about it yet besides that I am excited and anxious. I'll be a college admissions representative and talk to high school students about enrolling. It's Broadview University in West Jordan. It sounds great! And the best part is the pay! Speaking of.... Dallin and I can upgrade our phones....and change carriers and plans. Ugh, what a hassle. If YOU have any suggestions they are more than welcome because there are so many options I don't know what to do.
Here is what we have found out so far.
My favorite is Net10. We can get the both of us on unlimited data, talk and text for $85/month. The only catch is we have to buy iPhones...but that could be as low as $450 (if I get a used iPhone 4 and he gets a iPhone 5s) .
If we go with Verizon and attach to my parents plan then we could get iPhones for $100 and pay $90 a month, but I don't know if that will fly.
Or At&t and just have Dallin get an iPhone for $60 a month, and I get a dumb phone still...which I'll be working so hard I think I need a pay off too. :)
SO that leaves us...deciding...
The Littlefields
Here is what we have found out so far.
My favorite is Net10. We can get the both of us on unlimited data, talk and text for $85/month. The only catch is we have to buy iPhones...but that could be as low as $450 (if I get a used iPhone 4 and he gets a iPhone 5s) .
If we go with Verizon and attach to my parents plan then we could get iPhones for $100 and pay $90 a month, but I don't know if that will fly.
Or At&t and just have Dallin get an iPhone for $60 a month, and I get a dumb phone still...which I'll be working so hard I think I need a pay off too. :)
SO that leaves us...deciding...
The Littlefields
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Learning for Later
My lovely parents gave us two bikes to use while we're at college. The only catch was we had to fix them. Dallin wasn't worried, of course, he has fixed lots of bikes in his time. Whoo! That means I'm off the hook, right? Wrong....he made me do it because I have never changed a bike tire before. He also said I should learn in case he dies....what the heck!? I'm not going to be riding a bike if he dies. I'll buy a nice car with all the money he is going to leave me! It is actually pretty easy and now I know how to do it! And I couldn't help but notice the similarities of Dallin and my Dad. They never let me just be the little girl who doesn't know anything. I always have to "learn for later". So I did, and now if "Dallin dies" I can change the bike tire all by myself.
The Littlefields
The Littlefields
Monday, April 28, 2014
Gratitude and Graduation
It's been an amazing last few years. So many friendships and knowledge has come out of BYU and this wonderful institution will forever have a close place to my heart. I will never forget the people that have blessed my life during the last four years. College wasn't easy, but the people that were around me during this time made it feel a lot more like home.
Change is the worst, but I've got great things to look forward to. I am going to be an College Admissions Representative for Broadview University in West Jordan, and I'll start on my Master's there soon as well. Who knows when kids will come, or when we'll be completely out of debt, or when I'll have a six pack, but I'm confident one of those three will actually happen. :)
Here are some picks of the milestone marker.
The Littlefields
The Littlefields
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Finding My One
Not very many people are lucky enough to find the love of their life, let alone when they are 12 years old. I don’t know if it was his baby face or my incredibly awkward reaction to boys, but either way we were slow in the making. We were just your average 7thgraders who couldn't help, but be drawn to each other. He would do silly impressions and I would refuse to hug boys, we didn't know anything, but somewhere in between the acne and the late nights staying up to text each other we fell in love.
I remember it like it was yesterday, I knew I wanted to go with him to prom, and I would use every resource I had to let him know that. My friends left subtle hints that I wanted to go with him, but these “subtle hints” turned out to about as subtle as a gun. He knew I wanted to go with him, but did he want to go with me? There were other boys wanting to go, but they weren't him. I got a letter asking me to prom, and the same day a text from Dallin saying he wanted to go and heard someone else was going to ask me. Naturally I wanted to throw in the towel and say “I’m all yours!” but who was this mystery man? I would take a guess and leave hints to other boys that I was taken, but I would keep getting these secret letters with no name. I felt so guilty for spending some boy’s money that I wasn't going to go with. Then came the huge bouquet of roses. Seriously though, I may have been slightly shorter then, but it seems like they were at least the size of a small chair. This was too much! They must’ve cost someone a fortune. The letter read “I know I’m not your first choice, but please give me a chance. You can open the letter hidden in the flowers to find out who wants to take you to the dance.” Buried deep in the flowers was a note I failed to notice before. I opened it and it was from my future husband asking me to prom, that snake in the grass! I was so mad! I was stressing out this whole time and it was him all along!
I have never been one to let things go so this meant war. He played me like a fiddle and I planned to get him right back. I plotted and planned and the big day came.
I have never been one to let things go so this meant war. He played me like a fiddle and I planned to get him right back. I plotted and planned and the big day came.
He stormed into class and said “you!” I may or may not have planted some spices that looked similar to drugs and bottles that looked like beer bottles in his car. Then I may have had the local policeman pull him over in front of the school right when everyone was going to class. He still has anxiety about police cars, but what can I say? It was the beginning of our happily ever after.
The Littlefield's
The Littlefield's
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Read More Than the Clever Title
I obviously can't say too many negative things about marriage blog posts, because here I am writing one. I have noticed at least 90% more blog articles that say "Marriage Isn't For You" or "Why I'm Happy I Married Young" showing up on my Facebook feed. I've read them, and they are entertaining. Dallin would always say "I hate those, their only half truths". After we talked about it my eyes were opened to what was going on around me. All these people are grasping for truth. They want to know that someone else out there get's what they are going through, that's what I was doing too, but at the same time all of these bloggers are missing the bulls eye. They are saying things maybe to express themselves, maybe to get more readers, maybe to shock and awe. What they don't get is that all of these "clever revelations" are already written out, and with more truth.... in the scriptures. Wah wah wah don't stop reading because you automatically tune out when you hear "religion". Not every one understands the scriptures but take it bit by bit and you can find all the truths people seek after. The scriptures are hitting these "clever blog revelations" right on the nail, but everyone is avoiding them because religion is taboo on social media. Well I say enough is enough. I'm calling bloggers out. Everyone is acting like prophets and coming up with these great ideas when the basic's that they are trying to explain are already revealed in the scriptures. So, here is my plea. Enough of your "Clever Titles" what are you really trying to say? When you find out, find the direction that God wants you to take on the topic through reading the scriptures. Some of these scriptures may seem like a stretch, but look at the principles of why we are drawn to these articles. It is the truth that is in them. Here are some examples:
Blog: Marriage Isn't For You
Galations 5:13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,gentleness, goodness, faith
Why should we just treat our spouses like this? We shouldn't. Treat everyone with the love of Christ and your life will be open to God's love and the Spirit.
Alma 37: 35 O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.
36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
You can do anything with God, including marriage.
Blog: Stop the Mommy Wars
Moses 7:18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of oneheart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.
I rest my case.
The Littlefield's
The Littlefield's
Friday, February 21, 2014
A Newborn Marriage
I'm learning to talk again too.
I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was mad and I needed to tell someone. Before, my roommates would be waiting at the door to hear about my day and the ups and downs. They would even have a few stories of their own to share in response. I knew what was coming with girls. I had that pre-marriage life down. But now I don't have that anymore. Luckily when I get on a estrogen overload, my new other half can see through my irrational thoughts. We are building the kind of person that help each other and don't settle for just consolidation in hard times. And now I'm learning to talk, and talking feels so much better.
It has never been my strong suit to follow. After waiting 2 years you learn a sense of independence. I can do things by myself. I am the only one that can do this job the best way. But I am learning quickly that I can't, and I don't have to. After I fall over and over again, I realize that I can't do everything by myself. Then comes the saving grace of my husband. He picks up the load and lets me rest from my burdens. I have to let go of the doubt that my independence is screaming at me. He can handle my load.
We are learning and growing together. We are becoming one.
The Littlefield's
The Littlefield's
Thursday, February 13, 2014
So THIS is love :)
A random photo stand on campus lead to this pre-Valentine kiss! After this we went and got Dallin's Valentines gift (I need to work on surprises...) which is a new wedding ring haha (side-note-story: I'm THE WORST and ended up getting Dallin's wedding ring the day before we got married at Walmart...needless to say he wore it our wedding day and it's been a pain to wear ever since...maybe because it was also the wrong size ha oops, so now he wanted a new one)
This is a picture from our honeymoon cruise! We went to Key West and Cozumel on the Carnival. It was really beautiful, and we had a great time!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
What Our Christmas Looks Like
Friday, January 10, 2014
A Week To Go!
I wanted to clarify, I am ready! I get the question "So, are you ready?" all the time! It's to be expected though. Weddings are so so so exciting, and I've asked this question to plenty of people before. I am ready, and I have never felt better about Dallin and I. It's been interesting so far. We've already started sharing some things, and I have to learn how to share. It's like I'm back in preschool again! haha Our cute little apartment is coming together quite nicely. My WONDERFUL loving family helped me move in, and let's just say the people before us clearly didn't own any Clorox. Ha but I'm slowly getting it to where it needs to be.
So, what do you do in a small, OLD, and cold apartment? Well, me and Dallin are cuddling up next to our space heaters, and eating our spaghetti from the pot. It's so great! Next Saturday can't come fast enough! Also, it's surprisingly been a challenge for me to let go of "controlling" everything. It's so nice having someone else to help me do things! And Dallin is always willing and super dependable. The other day he got the car lubed. That was great, because I hate anything to do with cars. Sometimes, it's hard for me to let go of the initial drive to do everything myself. I first started to notice my control issues when he first got home and started to drive, and I would tell him how to drive (I've heard this is common among women), but I would get SEVERE anxiety when I couldn't control the car from the passengers side. I would say, "we're turning right" (way before the turn) just so that I could release some of the things in my head, but I quickly became an annoying back seat driver. I've fixed this by not watching the road when he is driving. If I do, I can't help but correct everything he does. The solution: don't watch. Another good thing about having Dallin around is having a handy man. We were doing our dishes after dinner one day, I set the rag on the counter, and he set's it in the middle of the sink. I didn't think it would totally air out in the middle of the sink, and setting it on the counter would "leave the dirt on the counter" as Dallin said, so he grabbed a screw driver and put a screw into one of the cupboards and hung the rag up. Perfect place! I imagine this is just the beginning of what marriage is going to be like. Creating and learning with someone else. Luckily, Dallin makes me laugh SO hard, I'm confident it will be pretty fun as we go. When it comes to the wedding I'm not nervous. I don't think I thought of everything that needs to be done, and I am in the middle of my final semester at BYU, but whether or not I have everything I ever dreamed of on that day is not important. I don't care if I have the Pinterest wedding I pinned. I hope on that day my only focus will be that I get to be with my best friend for eternity.
So, what do you do in a small, OLD, and cold apartment? Well, me and Dallin are cuddling up next to our space heaters, and eating our spaghetti from the pot. It's so great! Next Saturday can't come fast enough! Also, it's surprisingly been a challenge for me to let go of "controlling" everything. It's so nice having someone else to help me do things! And Dallin is always willing and super dependable. The other day he got the car lubed. That was great, because I hate anything to do with cars. Sometimes, it's hard for me to let go of the initial drive to do everything myself. I first started to notice my control issues when he first got home and started to drive, and I would tell him how to drive (I've heard this is common among women), but I would get SEVERE anxiety when I couldn't control the car from the passengers side. I would say, "we're turning right" (way before the turn) just so that I could release some of the things in my head, but I quickly became an annoying back seat driver. I've fixed this by not watching the road when he is driving. If I do, I can't help but correct everything he does. The solution: don't watch. Another good thing about having Dallin around is having a handy man. We were doing our dishes after dinner one day, I set the rag on the counter, and he set's it in the middle of the sink. I didn't think it would totally air out in the middle of the sink, and setting it on the counter would "leave the dirt on the counter" as Dallin said, so he grabbed a screw driver and put a screw into one of the cupboards and hung the rag up. Perfect place! I imagine this is just the beginning of what marriage is going to be like. Creating and learning with someone else. Luckily, Dallin makes me laugh SO hard, I'm confident it will be pretty fun as we go. When it comes to the wedding I'm not nervous. I don't think I thought of everything that needs to be done, and I am in the middle of my final semester at BYU, but whether or not I have everything I ever dreamed of on that day is not important. I don't care if I have the Pinterest wedding I pinned. I hope on that day my only focus will be that I get to be with my best friend for eternity.
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